Brennie’s walk in the parkies

Walk to Fight for Parkinsons 2024

This May we're Walking To Fight Parkinson's in memory of Brennie

...and raising funds to support life-changing research and improve services for people living with Parkinson's.

Sadly, 1 Australian is diagnosed with Parkinson’s every 40 minutes and there is currently no cure or way to slow the progession of this disease. I'm doing my part to change this by getting active and fundraising for people impacted by Parkinson's.

Please sponsor us today and make a real difference to progress life-changing research and improve services to maximise choice, independence and wellbeing for people living with Parkinson's.

Thank you to our Sponsors




Cecelia Burgman


Zoe Burgman


Doug Mcmahon


Marco Vloothuis




Greg Rutledge


Mark Reardon

Take it steady Ted


Tessa Boyd-caine & John Chan

With love from Tess & John



Thank you for fundraising



Thank you for fundraising


Joseph Ots


Diane Watters

I remembered!!


Brian Swift

Keep fighting old friend


Is Machuca


Anonymous Anonymous


Clyde Sloan

Good on you Ted. You are a great fighter.


Marilyn Calliess


Marlene Sutton

Hope your walk went well 😁


Keith Brent

Go for it Ted


Peter Lawler


Ruth Kelly

All the best Uncle Ted, keep on bopping.


John & Della Oheir

Well done Ted


Mandy Lalor

Good on you Ted!


Ian Hilton-cowie


Phil Roberts & Diane Guest

Hi Ted, we wish you all the very best in your walk for such a worthy cause. Love from Phil and Diane


John Edge

Ted Kell, I wish you well!


Cathy Cotter

Thank you Ted!☘️


Catherine Cotter


Harry Angel

Good on you Ted


Barbara Dyer


Carl Madsen

Well done Ted. You're amazing !


Treston Bamber

My father-in-law has been battling this wretched disease for the past 20years! Thank you for walking for a great cause Ted, well done mate 🙏🙏



Goodonyer, Ted. May the sun shine & the breeze be gentle at your back.


Graham Erickson


Floss Willow

Sending love xx


Mary O’brien

All the best Ted, hope you have a good walk for such a worthy cause!


Geoff W

Good luck, Ted. I have several friends living with Parkinson's and we need more research.


Julie Giddings

Definitely need more research so I'm happy to help.


Pam Grace

Well done Ted, I hope you have a good walk. My Dad and Uncles had Parkinsons so happy to suport as we need more research.


Peter Sutton

Good for you, Uncle Teddy. I hope it goes well. Pete


Nicole Mcmahon

Such a lovely way to honor your mum and a wonderful cause!


Rachel Price


Mary Kell

Keep walking.


Trevor Chatham

Well done Ted


Jenny Maher

Well done Ted for taking on this challenge.


Anonymous Anonymous


Shane Murtagh

God bless you, Ted, for your personal courage in bearing Parkinson's and for your charity in raising money to support everyone afflicted by this disorder. I promise to keep you and your family in my prayers, and I hope your walk goes very well. As always, you inspire all of us, so thank you.


Margaret Kelly

Best wishes for a good walk and get together. 👏


Holly Matley

In memory of your dear Mum Brennie






Kathryn Hodges


Kathryn Conroy

Go well strong 💪


Marie Mcnamara


Leanne Leake

Good on you Uncle Teddy xxx


Judy Pearce


Leigh Incher

good luck


John Orhan

Hi Ian, Well done! Cheers John




Andrew Kell


Kit And Carol Vincent

Good on ya’ Ted. Worthy cause and great community effort form you. Kit and Carol


The Barrett Family

Well done Ted. Great day for a walk around the lake!


Damien Kell


Zaheer And Anushia



Well done Ted


Cecelia Burgman


Toby Creighton


Kate Morris


Ted. Kell


Rachel Price


Elena Rosenman


Robert And Mary Cruickshank


Lisa Mctiernan


Narelle Devine

Sorry I can't walk with you ...


Jo Ramsay

Good luck Ian. Such a wonderful cause. All the best!




Ian Hilton-cowie


Kim Hilton-cowie


Steven Mcdonald

Well done Ian! A very worthy cause too x


Bek H

Walk well team! Love that you are doing this.


Kim Hilton-cowie


Kate Morris


Lois Blake


Marina Polita


Felicity Myint


Angela Boreham

Good on you, Ted,


Judy Netting


Frank O’rourke

Well done Ted


Liz Daykin


Caroline Haire


Linda & Chris Gilligan

Go Ted!!


Elena Rosenman


Teena Kell

Way to go Dad


Ted. Kell


Margaret Brown

Go Ted


Peter Guenther


Pamela Derin

Good luck!